How to Handle Ear Mites in Cats

Cleaning your pet’s ears is part of good pet hygiene and is also a great way to ensure you are finding problems as soon as possible. If you’ve noticed your kitty scratching their ears or shaking their head more often, you might be in for a close encounter with ear mites.

One of cats’ most common causes of itchy ears, the ear mite, is a microscopic parasite called Otodectes cynotis. These nasty little critters colonize pets’ ear canals, and while they are not visible to the naked eye, they make their presence known through the irritation and discharge they leave behind. Here’s a bit more about ear mites in cats and how to give your cat some relief.

Ear Mites 101

Cats of all ages and breeds can be affected by ear mites. The mites can get inside your cat’s ear canal, feeding on ear wax and skin debris. This causes severe itching and, if left unattended, can cause bacterial infections, swelling of the ear canal, and eventually partial or total deafness. The mites can also travel all over your cat’s body, causing systemic infections if left untreated. They can also spread to other household pets, including rabbits, ferrets, and dogs.

Signs of ear mites:

  • Violent head shaking and scratching at the ears
  • Redness in or around the ears
  • A dry, crumbly substance in the ears that looks similar to coffee grounds, usually with a foul odor
  • Waxy debris in the ears
  • Raw areas and sores or hair loss around the ears from scratching

Your cat can pick up ear mites from almost anywhere, including other cats, so in multi-cat households, all feline friends are often affected. Ear mites can also survive for a limited amount of time in an outdoor environment, so outdoor cats are more susceptible.

How to Handle Ear Mites in Cats 

If you discover ear mites in your cat, reach for Curicyn Ear Cleansing Solution. Our non-toxic formula provides pain-free, immediate itch relief, reduces inflammation, and relieves irritation, quickly making your cat more comfortable. It also cleans away the foul-smelling, dark, waxy residue ear mites cause.

The life cycle of an ear mite is three weeks, so using our Ear Cleansing Solution daily for the duration of that time from when you first notice symptoms will give your cat the best chance at relief and remove the risk of reinfection.* After the mites are gone, continue using it as a preventive wash to keep bacteria levels normal and your cat’s ears healthy. Remember, ear mites can survive outside their host for a time, so take care to clean carpets and wash all cat bedding in hot water to ensure your cats aren’t reinfected.

Your cat’s ears are vital to their daily lives. Curicyn Ear Cleansing Solution can help stop ear mite infestations before they become severe and help you stay proactive in preventing mites from taking up residence.

*Always seek veterinary care in severe cases